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Before executing the chaos experiment, ensure that you have the following set-up ready.

1. Create ConfigMap from scripts

The scripts used to create ConfigMap are Chaos script and Abort script. Chaos script contains the chaos logic, and abort script contains the logic to restore the system to its original state if the chaos script fails prematurely.

a. To create the ConfigMap from the chaos scripts, use the following command:

kubectl create configmap chaos-script -n <INFRA-NAMESPACE>

Here, chaos-script is the name of the ConfigMap for chaos script, is the bash script that contains the chaos logic, and <INFRA-NAMESPACE> is the namespace where the chaos infrastructure is installed.

b. To create the ConfigMap from the abort script, use the following command:

kubectl create configmap abort-script -n<INFRA-NAMESPACE>

Here, abort-script is the name of the ConfigMap for abort script, and is the bash script that contains the abort logic.


After executing both commands, verify if the ConfigMaps have been created using the following command:

kubectl get configmap -n <INFRA-NAMESPACE>

If the names of the configmaps appear, this indicates the successful creation of the ConfigMaps.

2. Create a secret for SSH

You can create a secret for SSH in two ways:

  1. Using a private key If you use a private key file for SSH access to the target host or VM, prepare the secret as shown:
kubectl create secret generic ssh-secret --from-file=key-file.pem -n<INFRA-NAMESPACE>

Here, ssh-secret is the name of the secret, and key-file.pem is the private key for SSH access.


To verify if the secret has been created, execute the following command and identify the value for ssh-secret.

kubectl get secret -n <INFRA-NAMESPACE>
  1. Using a password If you use a password for SSH access, provide the value for PASSWORD environment variable while tuning the fault. For secure password transmission, create a secret with the password and pass it as the environment variable, as mentioned below.
  • Create a file named my-secret.yaml, with the below content.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
    name: my-secret
    type: Opaque
    password: "mypassword"

The key is password and the value is the actual password string mypassword.

  • Apply the secret to the specific namespace using the following command:
    kubectl apply -f my-secret.yaml -n <INFRA-NAMESPACE>