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Run step

The Run step allows you to run scripts using specific container images and shells.

The Run step can be used for operations such as running configuration scripts that apply configuration settings specific to the deployment environment, or running database migration scripts that handle database schema changes or migrations required for the deployment.

Harness CD also includes a general scripting step, the Shell Script step, but the Shell Script step is simply a Bash/PowerShell scripting step and does not let you select a container.

The Run step settings are described below.

Important notes

  • You cannot use this step with a non-root user at this time.

Container Registry and Image

Container Registry is a Harness Docker registry connector for the image that you want Harness to run commands on, such as Docker Hub.

The Image is the FQN (fully-qualified name) or artifact name of the Docker image to use when this step runs commands, for example The image name should include the tag. If you don't include a tag, Harness uses the latest tag.

You can use any Docker image from any Docker registry, including Docker images from private registries. Different container registries require different name formats:

  • Docker Registry: Input the name of the artifact you want to use, such as library/tomcat. Wildcards aren't supported. FQN is required for images in private container registries.

  • ECR: Input the FQN (fully-qualified name) of the artifact you want to use. Images in repos must reference a path, for example:

  • GCR: Input the FQN of the artifact you want to use. Images in repos must reference a path starting with the project ID that the artifact is in, for example:

    picture 0

    Configuring GCR Container Registry and Image settings.

Shell and Command

Use Shell and Command to define the commands that you need to run in this step.

For Shell, select the shell script type. Options include: Bash, PowerShell, Pwsh, Sh, and Python. If the step includes commands that aren't supported for the selected shell type, the step fails.

The binaries required by the script must be available on the infrastructure running the step or the image specified in Container Registry and Image.

In Command, enter POSIX shell script commands for this step. The commands are executed inside the container.


You can reference services started in CD Background steps by using the Background step's Id in your Run step's Command. For example, a cURL command could call STEPGROUPID_BACKGROUNDSTEPID:5000 where it might otherwise call localhost:5000.

picture 0

The Background step Id, pythonscript, is used in a cURL command in a Run step.

You must include step group Id, such as curl STEPGROUPID_BACKGROUNDSTEPID:5000, even if both steps are in the same step group.

Select each tab below to view examples for each shell type.

This Bash script example checks the Java version.

              - step:
shell: Bash
command: |-
JAVA_VER=$(java -version 2>&1 | head -1 | cut -d'"' -f2 | sed '/^1\./s///' | cut -d'.' -f1)
if [[ $JAVA_VER == 17 ]]; then
echo successfully installed $JAVA_VER
exit 1

If your script produces an output variable, you must declare the output variable in the Run step's Output Variables. For example, the following step runs a python script that defines an output variable called OS_VAR, and OS_VAR is also declared in the outputVariables.

              - step:
type: Run
name: Run_2
identifier: Run_2
shell: Python
command: |-
import os
os.environ["OS_VAR"] = value
- name: OS_VAR


Enable this option to run the container with escalated privileges. This is equivalent to running a container with the Docker --privileged flag.

Report Paths

Specify one or more paths to files that store information in JUnit XML format. You can add multiple paths. If you specify multiple paths, make sure the files contain unique information to avoid duplicates. Glob is supported.

Environment Variables

You can inject environment variables into a container and use them in the Command script. You must input a Name and Value for each variable.

You can reference environment variables in the Command script by their name. For example, a Bash script would use $var_name or ${var_name}, and a Windows PowerShell script would use $Env:varName.

Variable values can be Fixed Values, Runtime Inputs, and Expressions. For example, if the value type is expression, you can input a value that references the value of some other setting in the stage or pipeline.

Output Variables

Output variables expose values for use by other, subsequent steps or stages in the pipeline.

YAML example: Output variable

In the following YAML example, step alpha exports an output variable called myVar, and then step beta references that output variable.

              - step:
type: Run
name: alpha
identifier: alpha
shell: Sh
command: export myVar=varValue
- name: myVar
- step:
type: Run
name: beta
identifier: beta
shell: Sh
command: |-
echo <+steps.alpha.output.outputVariables.myVar>
echo <+execution.steps.alpha.output.outputVariables.myVar>

If an output variable value contains a secret, be aware that the secret will be visible in the following areas of the pipeline execution:

  • On the Output tab of the step where the output variable originates.
  • In the step logs for any later steps that reference that variable.

For information about best practices for using secrets in pipelines, go to the Secrets documentation.

Create an output variable

To create an output variable, do the following in the step where the output variable originates:

  1. In Command, export the output variable. For example, the following command exports a variable called myVar with a value of varValue:

    export myVar=varValue
  2. In the same step's Output Variables, declare the variable name, such as myVar.

Reference an output variable

To reference an output variable in a later step or stage in the same pipeline, use a variable expression that includes the originating step's Id and the variable's name.

Use either of the following expressions to reference an output variable in another step in the same stage:


Use either of the following expressions to reference an output variable in a different stage than the one where it originated:


Image Pull Policy

Select an option to set the pull policy for the image.

  • Always: The kubelet queries the container image registry to resolve the name to an image digest every time the kubelet launches a container. If the kubelet encounters an exact digest cached locally, it uses its cached image; otherwise, the kubelet downloads (pulls) the image with the resolved digest, and uses that image to launch the container.
  • If Not Present: The image is pulled only if it is not already present locally.
  • Never: The image is assumed to exist locally. No attempt is made to pull the image.

Set Container Resources

Maximum resource limits for containers that clone the codebase at runtime. For more information, go to Resource units in Kubernetes.

Advanced settings

In Advanced, you can use the following options: