Run the Satellite container
Use Ingestion Satellites to integrate with on-premise tools and set up Custom integrations.
The recommended memory for one container is 4GB to 6GB.
- Docker
- Kubernetes
Download and install Docker Desktop.
On Linux, add your user to the Docker group so that you can run Docker commands without root
or sudo
sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
You need to log out and log back in for the change to take effect.
Pull the latest version of the Ingestion Satellite container.
docker pull levelops/ingestion-satellite
If you aren't able to execute the
docker pull
command, you can manually download the Ingestion Satellite image from Docker Hub and install it. -
Run the Satellite container in the foreground.
docker run \
-v /absolute/path/to/satellite.yml:/levelops/config.yml \
Option: Encrypt satellite.yml
To avoid storing data at rest in the clear, you can encrypt satellite.yml
. The Satellite can read AES-256 encrypted config files. You must provide an environment variable with the encryption password.
Use the following command to encrypt the configuration file. Edit the input path (
) and output path (/path/to/output/satellite.yml.enc
) according to your environment.docker run -i --rm -v /absolute/path/to/input/satellite.yml:/levelops/input \
--entrypoint /bin/bash levelops/ingestion-satellite \
-c 'java -cp /levelops/satellite-agent.jar -Dloader.main=io.levelops.ingestion.agent.Encrypt org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher input' \
> /path/to/output/satellite.yml.enc -
There is no prompt, but you must enter your password in the terminal, and then press enter. When entering your password, it appears in plain text, but it isn't stored.
Run the
docker run
command with an encryption password environment variable.export ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD="<YOUR_PASSWORD>"; docker run -d --restart unless-stopped \
-v /absolute/path/to/satellite.yml.enc:/levelops/config.yml \
If you need to make changes later on, you can use the following command to decrypt the configuration file. As before you must edit the input path and output path according to your environment. You'll also need to enter your password and press enter.
docker run -i --rm -v /absolute/path/to/input/satellite.yml.enc:/levelops/input \
--entrypoint /bin/bash levelops/ingestion-satellite \
-c 'java -cp /levelops/satellite-agent.jar -Dloader.main=io.levelops.ingestion.agent.Decrypt org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher input' \
> /path/to/output/satellite.yml
Troubleshooting: Satellite can't find satellite.yml
Errors mentioning ${levelops.api_key}
indicate that the Satellite can't find the config file. This can happen with older versions of Docker that can experience issues when mounting single files. To resolve this issue:
, and then move the file into an empty folder. -
On Linux, check that your user (not
) owns both the folder and file, and that permissions are not too restrictive (as withchmod 755
). -
Run the
docker run
command with the parent folder instead of the specific config file.docker run \
-v /absolute/path/to/parent/folder:/levelops/config \
-e CONFIG_FILE=/levelops/config/config.yml \
For newer versions of Docker, make sure that you are using the full paths and not relative paths. For newer versions of Docker, it's essential to use full paths rather than relative paths when specifying file locations. Here's an example docker run command:
docker run \
-v /absolute/path/to/parent/folder:/levelops/config \
-e CONFIG_FILE=/levelops/config/config.yml \
If everything is working, run the container in the background by adding
-d --restart unless-stopped
.docker run -d --restart unless-stopped \
-v /absolute/path/to/satellite.yml:/levelops/config.yml \
levelops/ingestion-satellite -
Optionally, add
--name sei
to give the container a name. Use a unique name per container if you are running more than one.
These commands are helpful for managing background containers.
# list containers
docker container ls
# stop or restart container with ID
docker container stop <ID>
docker container restart <ID>
# delete container by ID
docker rm <ID>
- A running Kubernetes cluster.
command-line tool configured to communicate with your cluster.- Access to the
Docker image.
Use the following template to prepare the Kubernetes deployment.
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: levelops-satellite
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: levelops-satellite
namespace: default
apiGroup: ""
kind: ClusterRole
name: edit
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: levelops-satellite
namespace: default ## It is recommended to change this.
app: levelops
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: levelops-satellite
namespace: default ## It is recommended to change this.
app: levelops-satellite
app: levelops-satellite
serviceAccountName: levelops-satellite
- name: levelops-satellite
image: levelops/ingestion-satellite
imagePullPolicy: Always
memory: "5Gi"
cpu: "1000m"
- name: config-volume
mountPath: /levelops/config.yml
subPath: config.yml
- name: config-volume
configMap:name: levelops-satellite-config
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: levelops-satellite-config
namespace: default ## It is recommended to change this.
data: ## This section comes from satellite.yml. If you copy and paste this section, you must fix the indentation.
config.yml: |
tenant: <TENANT>
api_key: <API_KEY>
- id: '<ID>'
application: custom
Apply the deployment to your cluster.
kubectl apply --namespace=your-name-space -f deployment.yml
Make sure the satellite is running correctly. You should see heartbeats being sent.
kubectl get pods --namespace=your-name-space ## Use this to find the pod.
kubectl logs <satellite pod> -f --namespace=your-name-space -
Because the template configured the deployment with
imagePullPolicy: Always
, you get the latest updates when the pod is restarted.kubectl rollout restart deployment levelops-satellite
To force a pod restart and get the latest updates, use the following command:
kubectl rollout restart deployment levelops-satellite
This ensures that your Satellite container stays up to date with the latest changes. Make sure to monitor the logs regularly to ensure the proper functioning of the container.
In addition to Ingestion Satellites and other integrations, you can import CSV files and display the data in Table reports.