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Software Engineering Insights release notes

These release notes describe recent changes to Harness Software Engineering Insights.

About Harness Release Notes
  • Progressive deployment: Harness deploys changes to Harness SaaS clusters on a progressive basis. This means that the features described in these release notes may not be immediately available in your cluster. To identify the cluster that hosts your account, go to your Account Overview page in Harness. In the new UI, go to Account Settings, Account Details, General, Account Details, and then Platform Service Versions.
  • Security advisories: Harness publishes security advisories for every release. Go to the Harness Trust Center to request access to the security advisories.
  • More release notes: Go to Harness Release Notes to explore all Harness release notes, including module, delegate, Self-Managed Enterprise Edition, and FirstGen release notes.

January 2024

Version 202401.2

New features and enhancements

  • Added the support for partial match functionality to the Code Area filter at the widget-level and collection-level settings. Now, you can apply the filter and select repositories using the Starts With and Contains conditions. (SEI-4812) (SEI-4873)
  • Added exclude support for the code area filter to all widgets. (SEI-4943)
  • Improved tooltip messaging for the configuration settings on the Code Area filter. (SEI-5006)
  • In the Lead Time in Stages report, the filter name 'RELEASE DATE IN' has been renamed to 'Jira Release Date In' (SEI-4947) (SEI-5156).

Early access features

  • The release includes a new user onboarding flow for the Jira and GitHub integration, focused on simplifying and streamlining the user journey (SEI-3727). The following support has been added as part of this change:
    • Added support for configuring the Jira Cloud integration using the new Jira Connect App.

    • Added support for configuring the GitHub Cloud integration using the new GitHub App.

    • Improved the user experience for configuring the Jira integration on Cloud and Jira Data Centers.

    • Enhanced the user experience for configuring the GitHub integration on Cloud and Enterprise.

    The new experience for the Jira integration is accessible behind the Feature Flag <SEI_EASY_ONBOARDING_JIRA>, and the new experience for the GitHub integration is available behind the Feature Flag <SEI_EASY_ONBOARDING_GITHUB>. Please contact Harness Support to enable this feature.

Fixed issues

  • The bug in the Trellis score by Collections report, where the scorecard hyperlink for the collection was broken, has now been fixed. (SEI-5019)
  • There was an existing issue where the report was showing as not being supported when more than one Trend Report was added to the Insight. This has been resolved. Now, you can add multiple trend reports to the Insight (SEI-5128)
  • In the Jira integration settings there was a bug where users were unable to save custom hygiene fields. This has been fixed now. (SEI-5152)

Version 202401.1

New features and enhancements

  • Added correlation support for mapping Jenkins CI artifacts with Harness CD. Now when configuring stages for a workflow profile, selecting Jenkins as the CI provider now allows you to define Harness CD in the subsequent stage for mapping artifact data. (SEI-2848) (SEI-4623) (SEI-4624) (SEI-4625) (SEI-4626)
  • Optimized the Sprint Metrics Trend Report to update the extended view and display data only when a new filter is applied. (SEI-4739) (SEI-4702) (SEI-4876)
  • Added the support for configuring stages and steps as a filter for Azure DevOps pipelines in the Deployment Frequency and Change Failure Rate report settings. (SEI-4814)
  • Improved the ingestion logic for the HarnessNG Integration to support data retrieval for non-container type artifact deployments. (SEI-4912)
  • Enhanced the Lead Time by Time Spent in Stages report to make ISSUE RESOLVED IN a mandatory filter when the associated profile in the report settings has a Jira Release stage configured. (SEI-4668)

Fixed issues

  • There was a bug associated with the Azure DevOps integration that caused incorrect redirection for commit links in the reports. This issue has been resolved now. (SEI-4768)

December 2023

Software Engineering Insights documentation is live on the Harness Developer Hub. Check back soon for module release notes.