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Docker Hub Kubernetes End-to-End CI/CD Pipeline

In this tutorial, we'll use Harness CI, CD, and GitOps to demonstrate an end-to-end software delivery process - from build to deployment following GitOps principles.

The diagram below shows a GitOps-driven CI/CD pipeline. The process involves building the application, pushing it to a Docker registry, and deploying it to a Kubernetes cluster. The pipeline features distinct stages for development and production environments, with an approval step to promote artifacts from dev to prod, ensuring thorough review and validation of changes.

PR Pipeline Architecture


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Required setup and configurations

In order to interact with your code repository (GitHub) and image registry (Docker Hub), the Harness platform needs to authenticate to these providers on your behalf. Connectors in Harness help you pull in artifacts, sync with repos, integrate verification and analytics tools, and leverage collaboration channels.

In this section, you'll create two secrets and two connectors for GitHub and Docker Hub. But before that, you'll need to create two personal access tokens (PAT) for GitHub and Docker Hub. Check out the GitHub docs and the Docker Hub Docs on how to create personal access tokens. For GitHub, you need to ensure that the token has read/write access to the content, pull requests (PRs), and webhooks for your forked repository.

Once you're authenticated using the Harness CLI, clone your forked GitHub repo, replacing GITHUB_USERNAME with your actual GitHub user. Navigate to the cli-manifests directory.

git clone
cd harness-gitops-workshop/cli-manifests

Let's next create two secrets - one for GitHub PAT and another for Docker Hub PAT. Be sure to replace the placeholder values (GITHUB_PAT and DOCKERHUB_PAT) with the actual secret values.

harness secret apply --token GITHUB_PAT --secret-name "github_pat"
harness secret apply --token DOCKERHUB_PAT --secret-name "docker_secret"

From your project setup, click on Secrets, and you should see the newly created secrets added to the Harness Built-in Secrets Manager.

Now, let's create connectors for GitHub and Docker Hub.

To create a GitHub connector, execute the following:

harness connector --file github-connector.yaml apply

Enter your GitHub username and press Enter.

Run the following to create a Docker Hub Connector:

harness connector --file docker-connector.yaml apply

Enter your Docker Hub username and press Enter.

Build the CI stage


The 'Run Owasp Tests' step is a placeholder and does not actually run an OWASP scan. This is because this step is part of the Harness STO module, which is not available on free plans.

Next, let's create the Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline that will do the following:

  • Clone the repository
  • Run OWASP tests
  • If tests pass, will create a build, and push the container image to your docker registry

Make sure that you're in the cli-manifests directory and update cipipeline.yaml to replace DOCKER_USERNAME with your docker username.

Execute the following command to create the cicd-gitops-pipeline with the CI stage:

harness pipeline --file cipipeline.yaml apply

Enter your Docker Hub username when prompted and press Enter.

Click Run and then Run Pipeline to start the pipeline execution. A successful pipeline execution will produce a new image with the latest tag under the harness-gitops-workshop repository on your docker image registry.

Create the ApplicationSet

For this section, you will need to have a Kubernetes cluster. Execute the following command to verify if you are connected to a Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl cluster-info

Create a GitOps Agent

A Harness GitOps Agent is a worker process that runs in your environment, makes secure, outbound connections to Harness, and performs all the GitOps tasks you request in Harness.

  1. Select Deployments, and then select GitOps.

  2. Select Settings, and then select GitOps Agents.

  3. Select New GitOps Agent.

  4. For this workshop, you'll create a new GitOps agent. When prompted with Do you have any existing Argo CD instances?, choose No, and then select Start to install the Harness GitOps Agent.

  5. In GitOps Operator, select Argo to use Argo CD as the GitOps reconciler. Harness also offers Flux as the GitOps reconciler.

  6. In Namespace, enter the namespace where you want to install the Harness GitOps Agent. For this tutorial, let's use the default namespace to install the Agent and deploy applications.

  7. Select Continue. The Download YAML or Download Helm Chart settings appear.

Download the Harness GitOps Agent script using either the YAML or Helm Chart options. The YAML option provides a manifest file, and the Helm Chart option offers a Helm chart file. Both can be downloaded and used to install the GitOps agent on your Kubernetes cluster. The third step includes the command to run this installation. Run that command against your cluster.

  1. Select Continue and verify the Agent is successfully installed and can connect to Harness Manager.

  2. On your terminal, execute the following command to set the GitOps agent identifier you created earlier as a shell variable:


The ID of the GitOps agent might not be the same as its name.

Create a GitOps Cluster

A Harness GitOps Cluster is the target deployment cluster that is compared to the desire state. Clusters are synced with the source manifests you add as GitOps Repositories.

Create a Harness GitOps Cluster by executing the following command:

harness gitops-cluster --file gitops-cluster.yaml apply --agent-identifier $AGENT_NAME

Create a GitOps Repository

A Harness GitOps Repository is a repo containing the declarative description of a desired state. The declarative description can be in Kubernetes manifests, Helm Chart, Kustomize manifests, etc.

Open cli-manifests/gitops-repo.yaml on your code editor and replace GITHUB_USERNAME with your GitHub username. Create a Harness GitOps Repository by executing the following command:

harness gitops-repository --file gitops-repo.yaml apply --agent-identifier $AGENT_NAME

Create Harness GitOps Application using ApplicationSet

GitOps Applications manage GitOps operations for a given desired state and its live instantiation. A GitOps Application collects the Repository (what you want to deploy), Cluster (where you want to deploy), and Agent (how you want to deploy).

Let's examine the YAML manifest for this:

name: gitops-application
projectIdentifier: default_project
orgIdentifier: default
type: application
clusterName: gitops_cluster
labels: "" ""
path: configs/git-generator-files-discovery
targetRevision: main
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
namespace: default
agentIdentifier: AGENT_NAME
clusterIdentifier: gitopscluster
repoIdentifier: gitopsrepo

This manifest brings together the Harness GitOps Agent, the Harness GitOps Repository, and the Harness GitOps Cluster. Under spec --> source, you can see the repoURL, path, and branch from which the ApplicationSet definition is fetched. spec --> destination denotes the target Kubernetes cluster and namespace. In this workshop, you will create the ApplicationSet CRD in the same namespace where the GitOps Agent is installed, i.e., the default namespace.

Let's examine configs/git-generator-files-discovery/git-generator-files.yaml:

kind: ApplicationSet
name: podinfo
- git:
revision: HEAD
- path: "configs/git-generator-files-discovery/cluster-config/**/config.json"
name: '{{cluster.namespace}}-podinfo'
targetRevision: HEAD
path: "configs/git-generator-files-discovery/apps/podinfo"
server: '{{cluster.address}}'
namespace: '{{cluster.namespace}}'
- CreateNamespace=true

The Git file generator is a subtype of the Git generator. The Git file generator generates parameters using the contents of JSON/YAML files found within a specified repository. template.spec.project refers to the Argo CD project ID that is mapped to your Harness project.

Navigate to GitOps > Settings > GitOps: Agents to find the project ID. Update the project in git-generator-files.yaml in your GitHub forked repo with the ID you see there.

Argo Project ID

Also replace GITHUB_USERNAME in git-generator-files.yaml with your actual GitHub user.

Create a Harness GitOps Application by executing the following command:

harness gitops-application --file gitops-app.yaml apply --agent-identifier $AGENT_NAME

Enter your GitHub user when prompted, then type Enter.

Under GitOps: Applications, click on gitops-application and click Sync, then Synchronize. The ApplicationSet CRD should create two Argo CD applications - one in the dev namespace and the other in the prod namespace.

Navigate back to GitOps > Applications. Repeat the previous step to sync your dev and prod apps. All applications should now be synced and healthy.

Three GitOps Applications Created

Create the PR Pipeline

Harness Pipelines define steps needed to built, test and deploy your application. You described your deployment using the GitOps entities you set up previously. You will now create a pipeline that performs the following steps:

  • Compiles the podinfo source code
  • Builds an publishes the updated app to Docker Hub
  • Creates and merges GitHub Pull Request of any configuration changes to the dev environment
  • Enforces a manual approval to proceed in deploying to to prod
  • Creates and merges a GitHub Pull Request of any configuration changes to the prod environment

Harness pipelines require a delegate to execute pipeline tasks. You'll need a delegate token as well. You can reuse the default delegate token or create a new token.

You can find your Harness account ID in any Harness URL, for example:

Export Harness account ID and delegate token values as environment variables:


Run the following commands to install the delegate in your cluster (the same cluster in which you have the agent installed).

helm repo add harness-delegate
helm repo update harness-delegate
helm upgrade -i helm-delegate --namespace harness-delegate-ng --create-namespace \
harness-delegate/harness-delegate-ng \
--set delegateName=helm-delegate \
--set accountId=$HARNESS_ACCOUNT_ID \
--set delegateToken=$DELEGATE_TOKEN \
--set managerEndpoint= \
--set delegateDockerImage=harness/delegate:23.11.81601 \
--set replicas=1 --set upgrader.enabled=true

Then navigate to Project Setup > Delegates and see your delegate check into Harness.

Next, run the following commands to create your environment and service entities.

harness environment --file environment-dev.yaml apply
harness environment --file environment-prod.yaml apply
harness service --file service.yaml apply

After applying the manifests, navigate to the Environments tab. Click on dev environment, then GitOps Clusters, and then + Select Cluster(s). Map your gitops_cluster to this environment. Do the same for the prod environment.

Run the following command to update pipeline with CD stages. Enter your Docker and GitHub usernames when prompted.

harness pipeline --file prpipeline.yaml apply

The full pipeline should look as follows in the Harness Pipeline Studio:

Full pipeline in Harness Pipeline Studio

Finally, create a trigger to run the PR pipeline when new code is committed to the main branch of your GitHub forked repo. Since some of the GitOps steps also commit to the main branch to update the release repo manifest, it's essential to add specific conditions to prevent an infinite loop. Here, serves as an example. In practice, you may choose a condition based on any change to the application source code.

Trigger conditions

Test the setup

There are two ways to trigger the pipeline:

  • Commit a change any non-configs file (such as a to the main branch of your GitOps workshop repo ( to trigger the PR pipeline. Notice that the codebase commit SHA is tracked throughout the pipeline, from the image SHA to the config.json of the deployed applications.
  • Select Run Pipeline in the Harness UI. Optionally, you can provide any updates to environment config variables.

A successful pipeline execution shows a successful status for each stage in the pipeline.

A successful pipeline execution