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Bandit scanner reference for STO

You can scan your code repositories using Bandit, an open-source tool designed to find common security issues in Python code.

Important notes for running Bandit scans in STO

Docker-in-Docker requirements

The following use cases require a Docker-in-Docker background step in your pipeline:

  • Container image scans on Kubernetes and Docker build infrastructures
  • Security steps (not step palettes) on Kubernetes and Docker build infrastructures
    • Required for all target types and Orchestration/DataLoad modes

The following use cases do not require Docker-in-Docker:

Set up a Docker-in-Docker background step
  1. Go to the stage where you want to run the scan.

  2. In Overview, add the shared path /var/run.

  3. In Execution, do the following:

    1. Click Add Step and then choose Background.

    2. Configure the Background step as follows:

      1. Dependency Name = dind

      2. Container Registry = The Docker connector to download the DinD image. If you don't have one defined, go to Docker connector settings reference.

      3. Image = docker:dind

      4. Under Entry Point, add the following: dockerd

        In most cases, using dockerd is a faster and more secure way to set up the background step. For more information, go to the TLS section in the Docker quick reference.

      If the DinD service doesn't start with dockerd, clear the Entry Point field and then run the pipeline again. This starts the service with the default entry point.

      1. Under Optional Configuration, select the Privileged checkbox.
Configure the background step

Root access requirements

You need to run the scan step with root access if either of the following apply:


You can set up your STO scan images and pipelines to run scans as non-root and establish trust for your own proxies using self-signed certificates. For more information, go to Configure STO to Download Images from a Private Registry.

For more information

The following topics contain useful information for setting up scanner integrations in STO:

Bandit step settings for STO scans

The recommended workflow is to add a Bandit step to a Security Tests or CI Build stage and then configure it as described below.


Scan Mode

  • Orchestration Configure the step to run a scan and then ingest, normalize, and deduplicate the results.

Scan Configuration

The predefined configuration to use for the scan. All scan steps have at least one configuration.



  • Repository Scan a codebase repo.

    In most cases, you specify the codebase using a code repo connector that connects to the Git account or repository where your code is stored. For information, go to Configure codebase.


The identifier for the target, such as codebaseAlpha or jsmith/myalphaservice. Descriptive target names make it much easier to navigate your scan data in the STO UI.

It is good practice to specify a baseline for every target.


The identifier for the specific variant to scan. This is usually the branch name, image tag, or product version. Harness maintains a historical trend for each variant.

Workspace (repository)

The workspace path on the pod running the scan step. The workspace path is /harness by default.

You can override this if you want to scan only a subset of the workspace. For example, suppose the pipeline publishes artifacts to a subfolder /tmp/artifacts and you want to scan these artifacts only. In this case, you can specify the workspace path as /harness/tmp/artifacts.

Ingestion File

The path to your scan results when running an Ingestion scan, for example /shared/scan_results/myscan.latest.sarif.

  • The data file must be in a supported format for the scanner.

  • The data file must be accessible to the scan step. It's good practice to save your results files to a shared path in your stage. In the visual editor, go to the stage where you're running the scan. Then go to Overview > Shared Paths. You can also add the path to the YAML stage definition like this:

        - stage:
    - /shared/scan_results

Log Level, CLI flags, and Fail on Severity

Log Level

The minimum severity of the messages you want to include in your scan logs. You can specify one of the following:

  • INFO

Additional CLI flags

You can use this field to customize the scan with specific command-line arguments supported by that scanner.

For example, you can skip certain tests using -skip followed by a list of test IDs: -skip testID_1, testID_3, testID_5

Fail on Severity

Every Security step has a Fail on Severity setting. If the scan finds any vulnerability with the specified severity level or higher, the pipeline fails automatically. You can specify one of the following:

  • HIGH
  • LOW
  • INFO
  • NONE — Do not fail on severity

The YAML definition looks like this: fail_on_severity : critical # | high | medium | low | info | none

Additional Configuration

In the Additional Configuration settings, you can use the following options:

Advanced settings

In the Advanced settings, you can use the following options:

Security step settings for Bandit scans in STO (legacy)


You can set up Bandit scans using a Security step, but this is a legacy functionality. Harness recommends that you use a Bandit step instead.

Scan policy types

STO supports the following policy_type settings for Bandit:

  • orchestratedScan  — A Security step in the pipeline runs the scan and ingests the results. This is the easiest to set up and supports scans with default or predefined settings.
  • ingestionOnly — Run the scan in a Run step, or outside the pipeline, and then ingest the results. This is useful for advanced workflows that address specific security needs. See Ingest scan results into an STO pipeline.

Target and variant

The following settings are required for every Security step:

  • target_name A user-defined label for the code repository, container, application, or configuration to scan.
  • variant A user-defined label for the branch, tag, or other target variant to scan.

Make sure that you give unique, descriptive names for the target and variant. This makes navigating your scan results in the STO UI much easier.

You can see the target name, type, and variant in the Test Targets UI:

Target name, type, and branch

For more information, go to Targets, baselines, and variants in STO.

Bandit scan settings

The following settings are required for Bandit scans:

  • product_name = bandit
  • scan_type = repository
  • product_config_name = default — Run a Bandit scan with the default settings.
  • repository_project — The repository name. If you want to scan, for example, you would set this to codebaseAlpha.
  • repository_branch — This tells Bandit the Git branch to scan. You can specify a hardcoded string or use the runtime variable <+codebase.branch>. This sets the branch based on the user input or trigger payload at runtime.
  • fail_on_severity - See Fail on Severity.

Ingestion file

If the policy_type is ingestionOnly:

  • ingestion_file = The path to your scan results when running an Ingestion scan, for example /shared/scan_results/myscan.latest.sarif.
  • The data file must be in a supported format for the scanner.

  • The data file must be accessible to the scan step. It's good practice to save your results files to a shared path in your stage. In the visual editor, go to the stage where you're running the scan. Then go to Overview > Shared Paths. You can also add the path to the YAML stage definition like this:

        - stage:
    - /shared/scan_results

YAML pipeline example

If you copy this example, replace the placeholder values with appropriate values for your project, organization, and connectors.

name: your-first-pipeline-v2
identifier: yourfirstpipelinev2
projectIdentifier: YOUR_HARNESS_PROJECT_ID
tags: {}
- stage:
name: bandit_repo_scan
identifier: bandit_repo_scan
description: ""
type: SecurityTests
cloneCodebase: true
os: Linux
arch: Amd64
type: Cloud
spec: {}
- step:
type: Bandit
name: bandit_repo_scan
identifier: bandit_repo_scan
mode: orchestration
config: default
name: <+input>
type: repository
variant: <+input>
level: info
fail_on_severity: critical
repoName: <+input>
build: <+input>